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BBG first 6 weeks review

I have been involved in the fitness world since I was about 16 years old. I feel like I've done it all. When I look back on my journey of my fitness it is so jumbled ... and I mean ALL over the place! Crossfit is where it all started for me. This is where I learned that I loved being active and pushing my body. Being young and competitive is a recipe for disaster...I bet you can guess what happened next. I hurt my lower back. I hurt it so bad that I had to go to the doctor and get muscle relaxers to even get rest for the pain. I was doing dead lifts with improper form. So that moved my journey onto working out on my own, following random programs on when I actually saw some results. But, life gets in the way and I stopped working out often and just did it when I could squeeze it in. This has lead into my terrible habit of starting to see results and then backing off because I get lazy. Fast forward to when I turned 21. I started my beloved yoga. I was tir

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