Paleo Blueberry Muffins

I am very impressed with this recipe! This gluten free and paleo blueberry muffin is absolutely delicious!! I will say that it had some unique ingredients that most people who are not paleo would not have on hand but they are pretty easy to get. I think I paid 5 dollars (or around that) for the coconut flour which I got at the Krogs aka Kroger. I didn't even know what tapioca flour was but I used corn starch in place of it because I forgot to put it on the list. I heard about paleo a long time ago but I never really gave it much thought. We are not paleo but more paleo based. I still eat grains and beans as well as sugars but the sugars are as natural as I can find such a coconut sugar. This recipe is so bomb that I will make it again for the next family get together I go to.

After my husband and I got married we realized that we wanted to set up healthy eating habits early on so that we wouldn't get lost in the wheel house of casseroles... my childhood. Now there is nothing wrong with a good casserole but they might not be the healthiest. So, we embarked on our journey of finding what foods we liked and didn't as well as recipes that have worked out for us. We just want to eat whole foods that are in their natural form...this just so happens to also be the paleo diet. In the paleo diet people do not eat dairy, grains, sugars, beans, and peanut butter. I am not that strict... yet. I can't just jump ship with all of my most loved food groups quite yet.

So that brings us back to the muffins. I needed to find ways to get rid of my processed food cravings by filling them with whole foods that satisfied what my body needed. I do not feel bad about eating these muffins in the least! I found this recipe on by Kaylie. She is am amazing cook with the best instagram for food out there. I can not wait to try her other recipes.

These muffins do take a little longer than the 15 minute muffins that you can whip up from a package. They take about 55 minutes to cook but the preparation isn't bad at all. Everything goes into one food processor. I didn't have a food processor so I used my blender which has a food chop option which I used instead. I didn't have any maple syrup on hand either so in went the honey that I did have!

This is straight from:
(she gets all the credit)
Her website even has the nutrition facts!

1 medium white sweet potato
2 large eggs
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons tapioca flour
2 tablespoons golden flax meal
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup blueberries fresh

Preheat oven to 350F. Line a muffin pan with paper liners or grease with coconut oil.
Chop sweet potato into 1/2" rounds. In a food processor blend sweet potato chunks until minced.
Add rest of ingredients to the food processor (except blueberries) and blend until smooth, then stir in blueberries by hand- you can reserve half the blueberries to sprinkle on top before baking, if you like.
Use a large ice-cream scoop to fill the muffin pan with batter. Bake on 350F for 50 minutes until golden. You will know when they are done when a clean knife or toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.


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